A New Year, A Clean Sheet of Paper and a New Blog
I love the New Year. It's like having a fresh, clean sheet of paper with all kinds of writing and drawing and coloring utensils at the ready. Oh the possibilities! I also love the new year because it is an opportunity to let my clean-freakishness run wild with organizing and purging and the casting off of the old and establishing the new. Especially when the last year was not such a great year, it is an opportunity to let it go and face forward to the opportunities of the next year with all the hopes and creative possibilities before me. I just want to jump in and give it all I've got. I've decided that I wanted to start fresh in many ways and this blog is one of them. This year... I hope to be faithful at updating at least once a month... inspiration or no inspiration. Some things are important enough to become a discipline, so that is what I intend to do with this blog. I admit, I more enjoy creating and not necessarily saying anything... so at the very least in those times I will try to be disciplined to upload pictures or snippets of things I find interesting and share-worthy. Sometimes I can't stop talking, so there may be those kinds of posts too. :) One thing you can probably count on: lots of pictures of adorable, furry creatures. Especially pictures like this:
Lucy (and I) wish you a very Happy and Blessed New Year!