Un-Expectations...and Big Anticipations
This weekend was completely unexpected. I've had a project looming since 2005. A project that was so overwhelming at the thought that I avoided it and made every excuse to not think about it until...Friday night... I have about 12 photo albums that have been collecting dust since 1980. I went through a phase of converting all the negatives from those albums to digital pictures a couple years ago. That was a huge accomplishment; however, I never really knew whether these now digitized renditions represented all the photos in the albums that have accumulated over the years. I'm not quite sure why the very thought of loosing even one precious picture tormented me so, but it has.
Thursday night I had a dream. I dreamed that I took all the photos out of the albums and organized them in a box. Oh my GOODNESS!! That was about the most simple, basic, yet freeing dreams I have ever had.in.my.life! :) On Friday afternoon I just started on two albums. I took the pictures out and categorized the years. Well, on Saturday, the crazy, rainy, thunderstorm and lightening/downpour day that it was, I was completely in the zone. It was perfect. I depicted ALL the albums. There were only two that were challenging in that they adhered to the picts in such a way that it took 3x the normal amount of time to get the pics out of the albums... otherwise, I had them all out and done by the end of the day. Zowie!!! I organized them according to year and will now (well, eventually) cross reference them with the pics on my computer to be sure to scan any that I don't have there. I don't anticipate having time to do this step until I am done with school in May. The awesome thing is, the old, falling-apart, dust-collecting albums are gone! Woo-hoo! Wow, I cannot believe that I have waited 9 years for this!
Lots of other organization and cleaning are getting done here as well. I have no tolerance for old junk anymore. Stuff that just collects dust? Not happening here! I have all the old VHS tapes the kids grew up watching that they have never even watched in this house... have to conquer those. Old music that fills one cabinet - has to go. We have an old up-right piano that has to go as well - one day to be replaced by a baby grand, but that's a whole other story...
Meg moves into her new apartment in February. We have been anticipating and enjoying all the progress and have been having so much fun watching each step being done. Marie, the owner of the apt., is such a sweetheart and has involved Meg every step of the way as the apt. was being created. It is absolutely gorgeous and Meg is very blessed with such an amazing opportunity. Last Wednesday, we went to pick out a love-seat that she has been saving diligently for. Tonight we talked about pillows and she found some at an excellent clearance price and ordered them. We are collecting things for moving-day and are very excited! It's so much better that she will have a place of her own and it is minutes away from her jobs! My heart as her mom rests in this. The worry factor is completely neutralized! I know she is going to be happy and do well there. Sigh....