Spoonful of Honey

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Fall, Wonderful Fall

Written Sunday, September 28th Today it suddenly became beautifully, wonderfully Fall. The official first day of Fall was last Monday, but the leaves did not have a stitch of color. Two days ago the tips of the trees began their ascent into the glory of sparkling shades of yellow, red and gold. Over the last two days, I’ve eagerly awakened to see the progress. Taking the time to purposely soak in the beauty of Fall is one of my favorite seasonal joys. Each year is so different. This year the color is sudden and absolutely gorgeous. Of course, after pretty-much one of the most perfect Summers I’ve ever experienced, this Fall seems to be following suit. Today, as I drove to the end of our street, the morning haze and the sun-kissed foliage took my breath away. I wanted to stay and dwell there. The car in back of me would not have appreciated that, so onward to church I went…

It has been a happy day - the kind that burns memories into the heart. Between the foliage, the Durham Fair, wood stacking and Fall decorating the house, it pretty much epitomizes all the things I look forward to when I think of Fall. It sets the bar. All future Fall’s will be compared to it. Its' memories will be added to all the other memories collected that contribute to the perfect Fall.

Guess what! I won first prize for my Peach Melba jam! :) I got a third prizes for the Peach Raspberry and Blueberry Lemon jams… very happy! Here are a few pics from today.

Durham Fair Kettle Corn
Last Caprese salad of the season
Stacking wood for the Winter

I sit here as the sun sets and am filled with gratitude for the amazing beauty that surrounds me in this quaint New England setting. I am a true New Englander. I could never leave New England. I would love to visit many other places of this world, but New England will always be my heart and home – especially in the Fall.

Big news here is that Tom has moved back in, albeit short-term. He’ll be moving to Nashville after Thanksgiving. I’m excited for him. I know that Nashville will be much kinder and appreciative of his talents and abilities than Connecticut. Meg has stepped through the first three interviews for Delta Airlines. She has wanted to be an airline stewardess her whole life. It’s been exciting to go through this with her and my prayers are with her. My children face such different struggles than I did when I was their age. I don’t even know how to help sometimes because I don’t have a frame of reference. I pray. I ask God to show them what is right for them and provide the way in these trying times.

We attended the most beautiful, long awaited of weddings this month. Our dear friends finally tied the nautical knot and did it in the most joyful, fun and beautiful, way. We have not had such a blast in a very long time. Here are some of our favorite pics…

Dock party at Aaron's house
Family time and the view from our hotel
Harbor the Hostess with the Mostess!
The Groom to be and Drew
The Bride to be and Father-in-Law to be
Eileen and Luke (Mr. Ben and Jerry's)
Life-long buds...
Sunset on the Docks
Spectacular view


Wedding day - Rainbow right on time!
Flower Girl, Gabriella
They DO!

Those beautiful, happy faces just say it all!

First Married dance together...

Okay, so here are a couple pics of my sweet Lucy Loo.  She's a momma's girl and not very happy when I have to go away on business trips...

Lucy Loo Missing Momma. Heart melt.

This was her spot for a good two weeks after she saw some kind of little creature run into the garden.  We think it was a bunny, but every time I went to see what she was so beside herself about, I saw nothing!  You will notice the purple and green toys... those are Aslan's.  They are all over - everywhere and he always has one handy to chomp on or to play catch and fetch.  :)

Lucy keeping watch for cute furry creatures...

I don’t have many pics of the kitties, but Peeka and Leila do just the same at filling my heart with joy. Peeka is such a character. She can make me laugh in the middle of the night with her antics. She does this thing that I cannot capture in a photo. I will try my best to describe: When I am sleeping she climbs up onto my stomach/chest. She takes her little paws and reaches out – usually to my chin, nose or hands and taps me until I pet her. It is hysterical and causes me to giggle in the middle of the night! Yesterday, just as the sun was rising she did a new rendition: I was lying on my side. I was awake but not ready to move. I was looking out the windows enjoying the sunrise and the progress of the Fall foliage... and the awakening birdies. She crawled up onto my side and reached under my wrist/arm to reach further to my nose so she could tap it to get my attention. Oh my goodness I nearly lost it. SO ADORABLE! How can anyone get through life without such adorable companionship? She is so very smart. Now, she knows that when she can elicit a giggle out of me that she has accomplished her goal. Sigh… love…

Alas, the gardens have finished their displays.  The last to perform was a new hibiscus plant I got this Spring.  Its' first blooms were late in the season but worth the wait.

Hibiscus 2014
The colors are so striking!

So onto Fall we go.  Here are some favorite fall decorations... enjoy the season - it passes so quickly!

Fall Decos4
Fall Decos2

This is a little tune I learned in Kindergarten and I hum it every Fall to myself!!  Talk about Fall memories!

Falling, falling, falling down

Red and Yellow, Gold and Brown

In the country and the town

Falling Autumn leaves!

Up next... our Pre-Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving!  :)