Christmas Cookie Day
I love Christmas cookie day. Yesterday was that day. It is always an effort to find a day that is close enough to Christmas - where work schedules allow to have a full-blast, baking bonanza filled with rolling, cutting, sprinkling, baking, icing, caroling, taste-testing (of course) fun. Meg and I look forward to this day all year. Meg, of course, is my Christmas cookie soux chef elf in charge of sprinkles and she does a stellar job each year. It always surprises me how exhausting having cookie fun is! By the time we got the gingerbread cut, baked and partially assembled for the house, and then the sugar cookies cut, sprinkled and baked, it was time to make dinner... When we sat down for dinner, I was down for the count. We'll have to finish the gingerbread house up next Saturday since that is the next time we can get together - and then - Christmas will be upon us!