On January 3rd, I picked up the cutest little bit-o-Honey you ever did see! She is a Bengal kitten. She has the most gorgeous markings and greatest little personality! She has more energy than I can believe and has already given me approximately 1.5 heart attacks since bringing her home! We had a most successful first 24 hours, but then she just disappeared... overnight! You see, she is so fast, no matter how hard you watch and are attentive, one glance away and she is gone! The first evening I had her, I had almost lost her - but found her stuck in a corner! (The .5 heart attack.) Thankfully I found her only after 10 minutes of searching. Hence the little bell collar she now wears. What a necessity - and now a relief to hear that little bell - but it was short-lived. The second evening we had her, (January 4th - the day of the BOMBCYCLONE!) she simply disappeared again. Except this time she had her bell on - but it was not ringing. We looked everywhere. I panicked. I looked under everything. Moved furniture. Opened the sleeper sofa. Most of this at 1:30 in the morning! I was nauseous. Then, 11.5 hours from when she went missing (6:30 a.m.) after a tearful prayer session, I had a thought: I wonder if there is some kind of way she can climb up into the back of the couch? I took a yardstick and began lightly tapping on the back of the couch - hoping that if she was in there, she would wake up... and after the third tap, I HEARD the little bell!! I called her name and heard a little 'mew, mew'... and then looked down and THERE SHE WAS!! Oh.my.lanta! I cried again - now tears of joy! I can only estimate that she was so very tired from all our adoring attention and excess stimulation from getting to know us that she just fell sound asleep in the first quiet space she could find! Since then I have worked on making an out-of-the-way place for her to sleep (and I can SEE HER) that she can go to whenever she wants and it has worked. In hind sight - after seeing how much sleep she really needs, she was definitely exhausted - poor little thing!
She has the prettiest soft green eyes.
Her markings are stunning!
She has swirls on her shoulders that remind me of the G Clef 🎼 and Bass Clef!