As the old saying goes, "The only thing that stays the same is change..." and completely describes this blog. I'm not going to belabor why I have been so unsettled with it. I will say that I have had the most fun time working on it and learning new things about creating it and indulging in my inner techno-nerd. I have not even begun to learn coding or anything fancy because so far, I have been willing to work inside the confines of a template that allows for pretty much everything I need. Not only have I moved my domain from its previous home, I also moved this blog from Wordpress to SquareSpace. I'm loving it and if you have any leaning toward blogging or online sharing of content, I highly recommend it.
I have also created a 'Spoonful of Honey' Facebook page which I may or may not keep since I'm not sure how useful it will be, but it's there for now... unless I decide to change it!
This has been a year of all kinds of changes. Change is good. I like change a lot and probably bring most of the change in my life myself! There are changes that are not a choice or something you set out or hope for or envision in a goal, but they just happen to you. Many times without notice. How we choose to respond to change is so very important. Every time I am faced with a change - I have learned that I am in complete control of my responses. I can choose to respond either in the anger and frustration of the moment (if it is a perceived negative change), or I can choose to respond with grace and self-control. As long as I am honest with how I am feeling inside and give myself the time I need to process and come to terms with the change, I would rather outwardly respond with grace and self-control because when I look back at life, I always regret when I have responded poorly.
So this has been a year of change and of learning to respond with grace and self-control. It has been a good year!